Disabled Workers Are Protected by Law

What You Need to Know About Disability Discrimination

Disability discrimination is a serious issue. Because of its severity, you need to understand that you don’t have to go through the struggle alone. California employees with disabilities have powerful rights under California law and federal law that are too often ignored by their employers. Whether it’s discipline, unfair pay/hours, or an unfair firing, that treatment is unacceptable by the law.

If you suspect that you are facing discrimination because of a physical or mental disability, it is crucial that you speak to an experienced discrimination attorney immediately. Our attorney Ranojoy “Raj” Guha, the founder of Employee Civil Rights Group, has worked with countless victims of workplace disability discrimination throughout California and the United States. Our attorney represents workers in Orange, Los Angeles, San Bernardino, and Riverside, California, and we work tirelessly to protect the rights of all our clients and provide professional, individualized representation that will help secure the best resolution for you.

Disabled Workers Are Protected by Law

California Employees with disabilities are protected by the strongest workplace anti-discrimination law in the United States: the California Fair Employment and Housing Act (the “FEHA”). The FEHA protects employees with physical disabilities as well as mental disabilities, such as stress, anxiety, depression, or PTSD. However, employees should be aware of something important:

  • An employer can require an employee with a disability to submit a note from a physician.

Once a California employee notifies their employer about any disability, the FEHA requires the employer to immediately begin engaging with that employee in a “good faith, interactive process” to identify reasonable accommodations to allow the employee to continue working despite their disability.

Disability discrimination can sometimes be hard to identify. It is crucial that you speak with an experienced Disability Discrimination attorney immediately if you suspect that you are being targeted because of a disability.

For example, employees with disabilities often face discrimination in job requirements, training, salary, benefits, promotions, or unfair discipline. Too often, employers simply manufacture false reasons to fire employees because they requested reasonable accommodations or reported injuries leading to disabilities. California employees with physical or mental disabilities have powerful protections under California and federal law, but those rights mean nothing unless they are asserted.

Call Today for Knowledgeable Representation

Whether you have faced discrimination in hiring or Wrongful Termination in Violation of Public Policy, speak with our lawyer as soon as possible. We can help you understand your options and how to protect your rights at every stage in the employment process, from requesting reasonable accommodations from your employer to litigating Disability Discrimination, Retaliation, Harassment, and Wrongful Termination claims in court. Fill out our online contact form or call us at our Orange office today to schedule a free consultation!