A: The facts of each case and the best advice for each client can be very different. However, there are a few helpful tips that all clients should follow:
A: Ultimately, only you can decide if it’s time to move on from your current position and look for something new. But know this: If you quit, you are waiving the critical right to bring a claim for wrongful termination in violation of public policy, one of the most powerful claims in California employment law. Before you quit, speak with a lawyer. Ranojoy “Raj” Guha promises to listen closely and with sensitivity so he can really understand everything you’re going through. Then he will run through all of your options with you so you can make a fully informed choice.
A: Maybe. It’s important to understand what you’re getting into and why. Even if your claims are strong, a lawsuit can be a long, drawn-out process. The good news is, at Guha Law, Ranojoy “Raj” Guha utilizes a variety of different tools to achieve the best results for his clients as quickly as possible. Before going to trial, he explores every opportunity to resolve our clients’ claims informally through direct negotiation or mediation. When he runs into an employer that refuses to negotiate in good faith, he then pursues our clients’ claims ferociously in court or arbitration proceedings. Ranojoy will review all the facts of your case and go over all of your options with you so you can make the best choice for yourself and those who depend on you.
A: Not exactly. In a contingency arrangement, Mr. Guha is compensated if and only if you recover. So, the firm would be paid if and when it is able to negotiate a reasonable settlement with your employer or win a judgment in court. In some cases, where workers have signed arbitration agreements with their employer, we pursue our clients’ claims in arbitration instead of court. The point is, in a contingency arrangement, our firm takes on the financial risk. Nobody wants to sue, and every potential lawsuit involves stress even if you end up settling or winning.