What to Do if You’ve Been Sexually Harassed at Work

What Can I Do if I’ve Been Sexually Harassed at Work?

While any form of harassment in the workplace can be detrimental, sexual harassment is especially alarming. If you find yourself in this situation, it is imperative that you seek experienced legal counsel as soon as possible. Since 2013, Guha Law has worked with clients throughout California. Our attorney Ranojoy “Raj” Guha is compassionate yet aggressive, and we will do everything we can to hold the person and organization accountable. Remember that their actions can and should have consequences.

How a Strong Attorney Can Help

Sexual harassment comes in all forms. From unwelcome sexual advances to verbal and physical harassment, it can make any employee uncomfortable. Furthermore, it can add stress to all areas of your life. We are committed to defending your rights. In doing so, we aim to eliminate the hostile and offensive work environment you and others find yourselves in. Whether it is a co-worker, supervisor, client, or CEO, nobody has the right to sexually harass you. It is important to speak up. You never know if others are dealing with similar situations.

We understand why people are hesitant to move forward with a claim. Often, people fear they will lose their job or be retaliated against. However, it is important to know that the law is on your side. An employer cannot treat you differently if you file a claim in good faith.

So what can you do to help us build a strong case on your behalf? Keep any proof and documentation that you have access to. We will gather evidence, talk with witnesses, and make sure no stone is left unturned. Put your trust in our lawyer who values clients and their safety.

You Deserve Better; Call Today to Learn About Your Options

If you are facing sexual harassment in the workplace, speak with us as soon as possible. As time goes by, it can be harder to gather any helpful information. To schedule a free initial consultation, call our office in Orange today. You can also fill out his online contact form.