Los Angeles Workplace Discrimination Lawyer

Discriminatory actions are more common among those who have a power advantage, such as an employer against an employee. However, your employer cannot cite your appearance, religious beliefs, or disability as reasons you have been demoted, harassed, or passed over for a promotion.

As our compassionate attorneys at Employee Civil Rights Group could detail in a consultation, discrimination is illegal under federal and California law. When you are treated differently because of an innate characteristic, an aggressive and knowledgeable Los Angeles workplace discrimination lawyer could represent you.

Types of Discrimination

Employers discriminate in myriad ways against protected characteristics. These characteristics can include:

  • Sex
  • Age
  • Race
  • Color
  • Religion
  • Ancestry
  • Marital status
  • National origin
  • Sexual orientation
  • Physical or mental disability
  • Medical condition, including predisposition to inheriting a disease.

Employers can target only older workers for layoffs or only men for promotion, which is considered disparate treatment. Other forms of discrimination include:

Pregnancy Discrimination

When policies adversely affect certain classes, such as when promotions are based on how much time an employee takes off, women who become pregnant are disparately impacted.

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment occurs when job benefits are conditioned on sexual favors or unwanted touching or sexual comments are common.

Workplace Discrimination

General harassment occurs when unwanted behavior is based on an employee’s protected status and includes slurs and intimidation.

Supervisors who discriminate against employees can be held accountable to regulatory agencies. Co-workers can be held liable in some situations, but generally, in discrimination actions, the supervisor or company itself will be held liable if they fail to stop co-workers’ objectionable acts. Contact a Los Angeles workplace discrimination attorney to discuss a personal experience.

Federal Versus State Laws

Although federal protection includes Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Equal Pay Act of 1963, and the Americans with Disabilities Act, California offers even more expansive protection under the Fair Employment and Housing Act. California law does not impose damage caps like federal law does, so there is no true limit on how much a plaintiff can collect, and legal fees are allocated to the employer defendant.

Filing deadlines are also more lenient under California law. Employees must file a claim with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) within 180 days of being discriminated against, as opposed to California’s one-year filing period to the California Department of Fair Employment & Housing (DFEH). A knowledgeable lawyer in Los Angeles could build a workplace discrimination case to ensure an employee’s rights are upheld.

Available Damage Awards

In Los Angeles, monetary awards are available when a workplace discrimination lawsuit is successful. Compensation could include the cost of:

  • Litigation, including attorney’s fees
  • Emotional trauma from being harassed
  • Wages the employee lost if they were fired or quit in despair

There is also the possibility of punitive damages if the discriminatory treatment is incessant and outrageous.

A Los Angeles Workplace Discrimination Attorney Could Protect Your Rights

Your workplace is where your talents should shine, and your appearance and beliefs should not affect how you are treated. When you are being targeted by someone with power over you, it is important to remember that you are not alone.

Our attorneys are dedicated to standing up for discrimination against employees. We take a personal interest and will keep you informed throughout the process of righting the wrongs against you. A Los Angeles workplace discrimination lawyer from our firm could protect your interests. Contact us to schedule a complimentary consultation today.

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